
Trojan Owners Club
A event based club catering for all types of Trojan vehicles except Trojan 200 bubblecars.
National Autocycle and Cyclemotor Club
Club catering for all types of auto cycle and motorised bicycles including Trojan Mini-Motors.
Lambretta Club
Caters for all models of Lambretta scooters and Lambro Three Wheelers.
British Historic Kart Club
Caters for all historic British go-karts including Trokarts.
Artgur Ransome owned a 1920’s Trojan Three Door Tourer and based the car ‘Rattletrap’ in his children’s books on his Trojan.
Arthur Ransome Trust
A Trust working towards establishing a permaneant visitor centre dedicated to Arthur Ransome and his books.
The Arthur Ransome Society
An event based club dedicated to all things linked to Arthur Ransome.